Knighton Arts Festival 2023: A Weekend of Music, Art, and Literature


Knighton Arts Festival 2023: A Weekend of Music, Art, and Literature

This annual Knighton festival is sure to delight any lover of the arts.

“If you look at history, innovation doesn’t come just from giving people incentives, it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect”.

Steven Johnson
Talent and creativity are on full display at the Knighton Festival this October, revel in the creativeness and soak it all up.

The Knighton Festival of Books, Art and Music celebrates its fifth year this October with an exciting line-up.

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. 
Art is knowing which ones to keep”. – Scott Adams

The jam-packed and creative programme includes poetry readings, talks by authors, concerts, a film screening, an art and book fair, craft and writing workshops, a cycle ride, organised rambles and a glorious town walk.

Knighton Festival 2023 has a wide range of talented and interesting performers

Proposed schedule:The schedule may change, visit the Knighton Festival website for updates.

On Friday the Knighton Festival opens with a poetry-themed afternoon featuring three award-winning poets namely Professor Fiona Sampson, Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch and Ness Owen

On Friday evening “Flicks in the Sticks” will be screening Eric Ravilious: Drawn to War.


Saturday morning, there will be an art and book fair with a variety of stalls in the main hall, and a self-publishing workshop run by Bob Fowke in the library. 

This will be followed by a creative writing workshop and series of writers’ talks in the Reynolds Room throughout the day. 

Sunday hosts a scientific-themed morning, presenting a talk by astronomer Professor Jane Greaves. Later on in the afternoon, there will be an illustrated talk by art historian Peter Lord and music historian Rhian Davies.

All good things must come to an end. The festival finale will be a concert performance by local musicians at St Edwards Hall. 

Sit back, relax and listen to the talents of performers, oboist Ruth Watson and pianist Jeremy Fisher, together with Australian/Belgian virtuoso flautist Wendy Quinlan

For this creative fair and fun-filled, cultural festival, book now

Many events are free but a small fee of £5 will be charged for most of the talks. If you wish to attend the talks, there is a discounted weekend ticket for £25 which covers all the talks.

The Creative Writing Workshop: (Not included in the talk fee). Booking is required, and numbers are limited. 

The Flicks in the Sticks and Knighton Concert Club concert are also not included in the ticket offer and payment will be collected at the door.

Who makes the creativity come alive?

The Sponsors and the Knighton Festival Committee

This annual festival is run by a small group of volunteers. The Knighton Festival is brought to you with thankful support from the following organisations: Literature Wales, Knighton Town Council, Friends of Knighton Library, Parthian Books, Seren Books and the Knighton Community Centre. For full details of the festival programme and to book events visit:

Knighton Festival Accommodation